1930 Here's How



Widow's Kiss

W shot creme de coco. V4 shot ycllow chartreuse. Va shot bénédictine. Beaten white of cgg on top.

Whiskey Float

Fill glâss V2 of fizz water; pour 1 shot bourlrôn or rye whiskey slowly on top of fizz water and serve. PUNCHES Amcrican Beauty Punch 1 barspoonful creme de menthe in goblet filled with fine ice. Mix juice of orange. V2 barspoonful sugar. V2 shot brandy, Vz shot French vermouth in mixing glass. Shake; strain into goblet. Dress with fruit and mint. Top oîT with 1 barspoonful of port wine, Bishop Punch (Pitcher) V2 lemon juice. 1 shot syrup. 1 shot Jamaica rum. 1 pint claret (for party of 2 or 3). Dress with fruit and mint. Brandy Milk Punch 1 shot brandy, 1 dash Jamaica rum. 1 barspoonful sugar. Milk. Shake, strain and put lîttle nutmeg on top.

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