1930 Here's How
Rhine Wines
Rhinc wines are peculiarly suitcd for use indepcndent of meals. Thcy are of high alco- holic content and if taken incQUtiously are in- clined to be intoxicating.
Moselle IFincs
The abovc wines are named from the région in which these wines are made. They are a light wine and should be served at a tempéra ture almost that of Champagne. That îs, about 45 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. In serving with meals, this wine should be used with the fish or oyster course. Port wine is a red wine of Spain and Portu gal. It dérivés its name from the city of Oporto where the vineyards are built in ter- race form. When these wines are made, ripe grapes only are used and brandy is addcd when a certain stage of fermentation is reached. The différence between the regular Port and dry Port is that the dry Ports arc permittcd further fermentation than the other, before the addition of the brandy, These wines are heavy and have a high alco- Port
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