1930 Here's How


With thia wine, as wîth many of the others, the wine of the beat years ia saved for mixing with the poorer years to give it bctter flavor and aroma. Madeira Madeira is a Spanish or Portuguese wine which dérivés its name frora the Island of Ma deira belonging to Portugal. This wine îs similar to Sherry and is made in the sarae woy and similar to Port is com- pleted with the addition of Frcnch brandy. This wine has a very high alcoholic content running up to 18 to 20% and âges very well. In préparation, this wine is kept in a heated chamber which prevents it from taking on un- desirable flavors and becoming bitter. While the above outline has not covercd ail wines made it covers the principal varieties. The article also has touched upon the propcr use. However, in général the wines that are used as appetizers are the pale dry wines, ver mouth, Dubonnet or cocktail; wîth soups, fish, Rhine wine, dry Sherry, Moselle, Sauternes and white Burgundies; entrees, light Burgun- dies. With roast, red Burgundies. Game, Champagne, Pastry, Madeira. Checse, red Port. Fruit, Tokay, Malaga. Coffee, Cognac, liqueurs or cordials.

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