1930 Prohibition Punches A book of Beverage by Roxan B. Doran



over a tea table--on which there may be some of these delectable fruit punches-as she talks to half a dozen g ues ts selected from her coterie of persona l fri ends. Na tu rally , oue wonder s what so rt of fruit punch the Nation's hos t ess would select for a party in thi s ga rden of hers-or what she would offer a mid-summer visitor at the camp on the Rapidan upon a warm afte rnoon. From those who have enjoyed Mrs. Hoover's hospitality we learn several jnteresting suggest ions which reveal her tas t e in such beve rages . Now, the First Lady hers elf likes her punches made with plain spring wat er (neither mineral nor charged ). She prefe rs this sweetened to taste and, added to it, any of the various citrus fruits, principally oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and berri es of all sorts in season. Sometimes she mixes tangerines and kumquats with her fruit punch, giving it an unusual and delicious flavor.


2 dozen oranges 3 dozen lemons Juice of 6 grapefruit 1 quart strong tea 3 quarts water 4 bottles ginger ale Sweeten to taste

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