1930 Prohibition Punches A book of Beverage by Roxan B. Doran




Fill. g lass one-third with grape juice, one-third with ginger a ir. clnll ed, and on top pl ace small scoop of gr ap e sherbet. Mr s. J. l\I. Robsion (Wife of the Senator from K entucky)


1 egg yolk % cup or ange juice % cup thin cream Sugar, if desired.

Beat egg yolk until light, add orange JUlCe and blend thor oughly . P our in to glass mid stir in cream, mixing well. Sweeten, if desired. Ser ve at once. This is a n excell ent drink for the under weight. Egg yolk may be omitted if desired. E vaporated milk may be used in place of cream.


1 measure ( cup , pt. or qt.) of whipped cream. 1 measure ( cup , pt. or qt.) of canned pineapple juice. Have the pineapp le juice well chilled and blend with the thick whipped cr eam j ust before serving. E ither a spoon or egg beater may be used fo r blending. Any mildly acid fruit juice as raspberry, grap e, blackberry or log·anbcrry may be substituted for the pineapple juice. Tex as Agricultural Exp eriment Station

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