1930 Prohibition Punches A book of Beverage by Roxan B. Doran



Revi ewing mentally some half-forgotten pages of histo ry, \Ye find that the taste for fruit punches is n ot 011 e cultivatetl entirely in r ecent yea r s– nor developed as an outgrowth of the Eighteent h Amendment . A number of famous ''gentlemen of the old scl10ol'' found deli ght in the fr esh juices of Na tu r e 's fruit ga rdens many-, manv year s be– fore prohibition was thought of. .A~~ng them stand out the fi gur es of Samuel P epys , Thomas Jefferson, Rutherford B. Hayes and, in later yea r s , \Villiam J enning:s Bryan, famous for his grap e juice dinners durmg a pre-prohibition ad- mini stration . In S amuel Pepys' diary, under the date of March 9, 1669 (n ew calen~ar), the following nota– tion attests to his sensations-a mixture, appar– ently, of both delight and fear, as_he partook for the first time of a str ange new dnnk-none other than our familiar orange-a~ e .. " . . . and her e" writes Mr. P epys ,, r~fernng to his cousin St , d . k's borne, ' which I never did before I r a wic . t I b i· ' drank a crlass, of a pm ' e ieve, at one draught, of the juice of oranges, of. whose p eel they make fit an d here they drmk the juice as wine, com s; c 87

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