1930 Shake'Em up by Virginia Elliott and Phil D. Stong


The following list represents an Ideal and should be treated, accordingly, with respectful insouciance. However, admonitions to hus bands to "Just run down to the grocery, dear, and get this little list of things—it's right in the same block," have often resulted in Broken Necks and the inevitable pause in the party while the body is pushed down the incinerator. Real Hostesses will feel too strongly the duties of hospitality to wish to miss parties on this account, particularly if Pater Familias finds it necessary to give most of his attention to The Blonde, and neglects the glasses. Even should Pater Familias not resort to this justifiable violence, adequate supplies in the kitchen will simplify the Hostess's labors and enable her to catch an occasional glimpse of the guests, and sometimes even to take a drink. Let each Reader, therefore, edit this Commis sary List temperately, according to her neces sities.



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