1930 The Drinks of Yesteryear a Mixology


The same as Tokay Cobbler only using Claret Wine instead.


The same as Claret Cobbler only using Sauterne in– stead.

Tom Collins. Use a large lemonade or a Tom Collin~ ~lass ; add a tea– spoonful of sugar · a good dash of lemon 1mce; a few lumps or cubes of ice; ~ drink of Gin; fill glass with Club Soda or charged water; and stir with spoon. Josie Collins. The same as a Tom Collins using orange juice instead of lemon juice. . ' Use a large lemonade or a Tom Collins glass; add a few umps c;>f ice; pour in a drink of Gin; and fill g lass with good Gmger Ale. Mamie Taylor. Use a large lemonade glass or a Tom qolli~s glass ; a~d a fe"'.V lumps of ice; juice of half a lime with rm<;I; pour m a drink of Rye or Scotch; then fill glass with Ginger Ale. South Side. "l!se mixi~g glass; add a teaspoontul of sugar and. a few ~n~s C?f ~mt; a dash of lemon juice; pour a drink of filrd st!I with spoon; then strain into a lemonade glass e with fine ice and garnish with fruit. East End. g a~ru.Ghin ~ehmon~de with plenty of mint; shake well and s Wlt frwt. Horse's Neck. ~:tl~ large lemonade glass; peel a whole lemon and g las . ehpG~l around glass; add a few lumps of ice; fill s Wlt mger Ale. [30] Gin Ginger. 1

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