1930 The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book
Don,t Swat Your Mother, 'Cause It's Mean
Homeward to their motlier, two ·working meu did come, !Peary with their honest toil and lighted up with rum. Supper was /lot ready, one aimed a brutal hlow, lV hen the hlue-eyed hahy stopped them, saying "Brothers, dou't do .fO.
"Don't swat yer mother, boys, just 'cause she's old! Don't mop the floor with her dear face. Thi11k how her love is a treasure of gold, Shinillg thro' shame and disgrace. Do11' t put the rocking chair ne.,·t to her eye, Don' t bounce the lamp off her old bean! .1ngels are watching you up h1 the sky, Don' t swat yer mother, it's mum!"
Anger ·was arrested- T he strong men bowed in tears; They were kinder to their .Parent Through her few remaining years.
"Don't Swat Your B ,, Mother, oy.t
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