1930 The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book



Down Where the Wurzburger Flows

Now poets may sing of the dear Fatherland, And the soft /lowing dreamy old Rhine; Beside the Blue Danube in fancy they stand, And they rave of its beauties divine. But there is a spot where the sun never shines, Where mirth and good fellowship reign, For dear old Bohemia my lonely heart pines, And I lo11g to be there 011ce again. Take me down, down, down where the Wurdurger flows, flows, /lows; It goes down, down, down, but nobody knows where it goes. Just order two seidels ·of lager, or three, If I don't want to drink it, i>lease force it on me,· The Rhine may be fine but a colel stein for mine, Down where the Wur..:bur9er /lows. The Rhine by moonli9ht'1 a beautif11l 1ight, When the wind whispers low thro' the fliNel, But gitle me se1me good old Rathskeller at night, Where the brilliant electric li11tt dines. The pe1et1 may think it'1 deli1htf•l to hetW The nightingale ~i~in1 Iris la1, · Gfoe me a piano, a c,,[J stei" of beer A nd a fellow who bows how to ~l11y. [Chor111.)


"Down Where the Wurzburger Flows"

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