1930 The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book
* One.half Italian Vermouth One-h111f Rye A few drops of juice from Mamschino cherries Put into cockt11il shaker with ico--sbake well a~d strain into cocktail glasa
Up in Canada this one is still a rite between races. Ask any bookey. It was still a rite with us up to the fifth race, and then it was all wrong. We doubled up and parlayed all bets, and our horse broke a leg after being in front by ten lengths. . .•. ~ Discovered by His Honor, Mr. Charles K. Roe, co-author of this book, in an effort to produce a Side-Car Cocktail with what-have-you. Charley named this one Kiddy-Car because he said it makes you so childish. Oh, to be young again, just for tonight! ...... Pardon us, while we shed a few crocodile tears at the thought of this old Knickerbocker Bar fa– vorite. What pleasures our youth of America must forego ( I'll bet that more than half of them can't even pronounce St. Croix I . ·-· .. The actor's del ight l Three of these and you could pull the worst play in the town through a slow first-night crowd with ri nging cheers, and "steen bows," after which you' d catch up with the rest of your pals at the LAMBS CLUB. A · ~ '1'
* Three parts Applejack Two parts Cointreau One p11rt Lemon Juice Shake with plenty of fi11e ioo
Four part• St. Cr()ix Ru• J . Ono part each of Oran&o and Lemo• uioe Fluor with Ra.pbercy .ad Piaeapplo syrup Shake witla fine ice * Equal proportions of Dry Gin, Italian and French Vermouth Dash of Benedictine Sh11ke well w ith fine ice .,.
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