1930 The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book



* H•n·e a mixing.glass half-full of fine ice Add two dashes of Guin Syrup Two dashes of Peyscbaud Bitters One dash of Ornnge Bitten H111£ a jigger of Brandy Half a jigger of French Vermouth !\Iix and strain into a cocktail glass Add a smell piece of twisted lemon peel * Two lumps of ice in a small winegleEs Three daghee of Gum Syrup T wo dashes of Boker's Bitters One pony of Brandy One pony of French Vermouth M ix, take out the ice Add a sma ll piece of lemon * Into a large glass ti-lied with ShaYed I ce: Decorate with few sprigs of Mint by plant– ing the sprigs, stem downward, in the Ice around the rim of glass Dress with Fruit and serve * Take a large chilled glass and keep your hands off it while mixing the Julep Two parts Cognac Brandy Two parts Peach Brandy One teaspoonful Powdered Sugar Ten sprigs freshly picked and washed !\lint Place the Sugar in the glass, adding just enough Water to dissolve it. A dd the Mint being Cllreful not to crush it, then th~ Cognac and Peach. Fill the glass \vith Shaved Ice and stir gently to bring Mint to top without crushing it. ff you have kept your hands off the glass, it will be nicely frosted when placed before the drinker. '1'; - - ~ One tablespoonful of Sugar One-half wineglass of Water Three or four sprigs of Fresh Mint Crush till Mint F lavor is extracted Add one and one-half wineglasses Bourbon Stir well. Dash with Jamaica Rum


The old Hotel l\ifetropole used to recommend this one. And we warn you to be careful if you can take advantage of this offer. They taste so good, and so smooth. But Daddy, hO\v they make you feel!


Another reason for the migration from the farms to the cities. Imagine a farmer trying to equal this with his jug of moonshine, after a hard day's work. . ·-· . No Bartender's Guide would be complete without a~ least on~ _authentic Mint Julep. Here we give the ongrnal Kentucky l\1int Julep. Many leave out the Rum, suh ! But the Rum should be there. (What an argument th at statement is going to cause.)



The genuine Georgia l\1int Julep permits no care– lessness. You've got to follow instructions to the letter, or you'll spoil it. \\That's more, you'll offend eve ry Southern gentleman alive if you do. Georgia and Kentucky have been battling over the com– parative merits of these two Juleps for years, and for fear of our lives, suh , we'd hesitate to express our opinion, other than that they are both delicious.

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