1930 The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book
66 .
The Ya:nks are lzavin' a. H ell of a time, W adin' around in the mud and the slime. The day we sailed froni Brest, I said, "Good-bye" and thought the rest. Th e yellow peril was worse than flu, But now it's reds that make me bltte.
My Froggie g irl ic:as true to m e, Sit e was true to me, siz e 'H.!as true to you , Sit e was true t o the w hole damned arm y too, Hink'y-dinky, Parle2-v ous.
Tlz e Peace Com111rissio11ers drhi!~ and talk, Th ey never had a post to w alk.
Our own title for a drink served us years ago by a hostess, who deliberately camouflaged her liquid entertainment We had to pay off the breakage bill by instalments.
T wo parts Gin Juice of half a n Orange
T wo teaspooniul s of Orgeat Syrup (Syrup of Almonds)
Ice, shake and strain
* Three parts French Brandy Two parts Cointreau One part Lemon J uioe Shake with plenty of fine ice
This cocktail, to our knowledg_e, is only eight or ten years old (according to Bob in Harry's ·New York Bar) but it has done more to boost Paris to Americans than any other drink. A few drops of this gentle French nitro-glycerine, and even the Eiffel Tower bends to acknowledge your visit l . ·-·. Sent to us by the D~rector of the Grand Hotel Central of The Hague, Holland. Be sparing with that Chartreuse, and don't say you weren't warned! In Holland some people take to drinking this one out of a wooden shoe. Wooden shoe like it? . ,. .....
* Three parts Canadian Rye Whiskey Two parts Yellow Chartreuse One part French Vermoutla Serve with a cherry * Use Mixing Glass One part Apple Brandy One part Chartreuse One part Razzberry Juice Mix with Fine Ice and strain 'i'
So named because if you take this one you are a Simple Simon t The quickest working concoction we've ever had the "privilege" of swallowing!
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