1930 The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book


* Fill a mixing-gla ss half-Cull of fine ice Add t"o dashes Gum Syrup Three dashes of Boker'• Bitten One-half jigger of Apple Brandy One-half jigger of Italian Vermouth Mix, strain into a cocktail it1111, fwist 1mdl piece of lemon peel on th11 top


Named the STAR because that is what yQu gen– erally saw after a few minutes' intimacy with this cheerful explosive. We recommend at the next party that you see who can count the most stars be– fore your vision gets altogether clouded. (The record with us is eleven.)

For Auld Lang Syne

Should aulJ acquaintance bt forgot, A nJ nwer brought to min' f S hould a~ld acquaintance be forgot And da}•s o' lang-syne?

We twa /1at rtm about the brau, And fiu'd the gowons /irie;

But we'v, wandered mony a weary fo"t Si1J' nuld lflng sy ne.

Fer auld long synt, my dear, For auld lang syne, We'll take a cup o' kindness yet, For auld Zang syne.

Wt two hat paidl't in the burn Frat morning sun till dine; But seas between us braid hat roared Sin' auld Zang syne.

A nJ there's a hand, my trusty frim', .J nJ gie' s a hand o' thine; A nd we'll take a righ t gude willy-waufJhl Fo r auld Zang syne.

AnJ su rely ye'll be your pin t st ou p, As rnrely I'll be mine I And we'll take a cu p of kindnus ye t For auld 10119 syne.

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