1930 The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book


What You Goin' to Do When the Rent Comes 'Round?

Rufu.r Rastus l oh11so11 Brow ll , 1f/ hat you goi11' to do whr.11 the rent coma · ' round? What you .fJoin' to say'! flow you g oi11' to pay ? You'll never have a bit of sense till Judg- ment Day ; You know, I /mow, rr.11t mums dough , Landlord's go in' to put us out in the snow, Rufus Rastus Johnso n Brown , lf/ hat you g oi11' to do when the rent comes 'round'! '

* Use large tlnH Two ounces split spirit or Gin Fill glass with cracked ice Pour in sweetened Lemon Juice, Orange or Grapefruit .T uice Dash of Grenadine. Grenadine " ·ill gillk to the bottom of the glue 011e tablespoonful of Creme de Mellthe laid carelully on top Twiet a slice of Lemon Peel ud hant it «1ver edge of glass * One lump of Su~ar One long &pray Fresh Mint Then pour Champagne in slowly 11nd atir gently Pie(e «if Orao'e and few :Berries


As one fisherman to another we ask you "Ain ' t R-A:INBOWS grand?" Thr~e of these, a~d you'd split good old Cape Cod from the mainland. They must grow men out there on the Cape if this is a sample of what they drink. We saw rainbows after the first.



To even write about this one makes our mouths water. And to think that prohibition has been with us fo r ten long years! Pass the ice, Clarence I

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