1930 The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book
Use a &mall bar glass T\VO lumps of Ice One-half wine-glass of Water One teaspoonful of sugar One wine-glass of Brandy
Sangarees are all made practically the same way. The only change is in the chief ingredient. San– garees of Ale, Sherry and Port were others well remembered in the years gone by.
Stir well and ndd a dash of Nutmeg . .. ~-· * HOT SCOTCH Two lamps of sugar in a little hot water Several Cloves Another variation of hot toddy. Used everyv. 1 here before prohibition as a remedy for colds. It works like a charm-even without a cold you feel better. One l\'ine-glass of Scotch Add hot -.veter to fill glass Squeeze and drop in lemon peel • •••• Abdul Abulbul Amir The sons of the prophet are brave men and bold, And quite 1111accusto111ed to fear, But the brmJest by far in the ranks of tlze S!iah ll/as Abdul A bulbul Amir. If sou wanted a man to encourage the van 01· lzarass the foe from the rear, S t orm fort or 1·edoubt, }'OU had only to shout For Abdul Abullml Amir. N ow the heroes were plenty and well known to fame bi the ti-oops that were led by tl1e Czar, A 11d the bravest of these was a 7110 11. by tlie name Of I van Skai•insl.:y Skm ·ar. I I l 'J'
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