1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


4 Sprigs Fresh Mint. Taljlespoonful Powdered Sugar. 1 Glass of Bourbon Rye, or Canadian Club Whisky. Use long tumbler and crush the Mini leaves and dissolved sugar lightly together, add Spirits and fdl glass with cracked ice stir gently until glass is frosted. Decorate on top with 3 Sprigs of Mint.


SMASHES. The ' Smash ' is in effect a Julep on a small plan. To prepare it the following recipe is usually used :— Use medium sized glass. Dissolve 1 Lump of Sugar. Add 4 leaves of Creen Mint, and crush Mint and sugar very lightly together. Place lump of ice in glass. Then add one small glass of either Bacardi .Rum, Brandy, Cin, Irish Whisky, or Scotch Whisky as fancy dictates. Decorate with a slice of Orange, and squeeze Lemon peel on top.


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