1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


CHAMPAGNE CUP. 1 Ta])lespoonful Powdered Sugar. 1 Glass Brandy. 2 Liqueur Glasses Cura(;ao. 1 Liqueur Glass Maraschino. 1 Liqueur Glass Grand Marnier. 1 Quart Champagne.

Serve in large pitcher withfour lumps of ice, decorate with slices of orange and pineapple and one very small slice of cucumber peel. 3 or 4 sprigs offresh Mint on top.


1 Liqueur Glass Maras chino. 2 Liqueur Glasses Curasao. 2 Tablespoonsful Powdered Sugar. 1 Quart Claret Burgundy

Serve in large Jug with four lumps of ice, decorate with slices of orange and pineapple and one very small sliceof. cucumber peel. 3 or 4 sprigs offresh Mint on top.

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