1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


OF SAINT-EMILION. The Commune of Saint-Emilion is famed the whole world over for the production of the luscious red wines bearing its name. Since the year 1889 estate-bottling has become almost universal among the Premiers Crus of Saint-Emilion, with a splendid increase in public confidence and demand as a direct result. Chateau Ausone, for example, is a worthy competitor of the four first growths of the Medoc, and frequently fetches a higher price than they do, ranking as " Premier des Grands Crus de Saint- Emilion." The Clarets of Saint-Emilion are of a distinctive type. They are quite different from the wines of the Medoc and Graves districts, and they are also entirely different from the wines of Burgundy, with which they are sometimes mistakenly compared. They are the highest expression of the " vins de cotes." They have body, beautiful colour and an agreeable bouquet. The best wines of Saint-Emilion are of a rich, dark-red colour. It is said to be one of the qualities of the " bon vin de Saint-Emilion " to untie the tongue and loosen speech—le vin park et fait parler. The following are noteworthy growths :— Chateau. Chateau. AUSONE. BELAIRE. MAGDELAINE. BEAUSfijOUR. CANON LA FONPLLGADE. GAFFELIfiRE. LE CURL BON.

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