1930 The Savoy Cocktail Book


" King Charles ! King Charles ! " Singularly fitting would it seem that the 'Merrie Monarch ' should be the figure responsible for the introduction of the sparkling, light, elegant, and expensive Wine of Champagne into England. Sur rounded by a Court, the richness and elegance of which was famed throughout Europe, he searched for a ' Wine of Fashion ' that should express to a nicety the regal luxury, the gaiety, and the sparkling wit of his time. He found it all in Champagne. *-

* I'o I.ord Chesterfield, who always imported his own wine from Franee. is attributed this toast, which might well have been welcome in that CJourt :

" Give me Champaign, and fill it to the brim, I'll toast in bumpers ev'ry lovely Limb I "


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