1931 Cuban Cookery by Blanche Z de Baralt


powdered cinnamon. Soak almonds in water 10 or 12 hours. The almonds should be pounded into a very smooth paste . Put the sugar into a small copper preserving kettle with three or four spoonfuls of water and let it cook until a thick syrup is formed~ then stir in, with a wooden spatula, gradually, the almonds reduced to a paste and the egg yolks very well beaten. Continue stirring on the fire until the paste detaches itself from the bottom of the kettle. Turn out on a markle slab and allow to cool. Then knead throughly and put in a mold well sprinkled with powdered cinnamon. This is a classical recipe from Camagiiey, where almond cheese is famous. SPANISH NOUGAT. (Turr6n de Alicante). Yz lb. heavy syrup (sugar and water)

Yz lb. honey 6 egg whites

1 lb. toasted almonds or hazel nuts . Mix syrup and honey with the

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