1931 Cuban Cookery by Blanche Z de Baralt


and they should be served all ready for use. That is, the meat of the claws and body all ~arefully taken out, freed from bone and replaced in the crab shell, whence it can be taken with a fo-rk and eaten with mayonnaise or sauce vinaigrette. MORO CRAB COCKTAIL No. 1 Is a very choice way of serving this delicious delicacy. A very small liqueur glass conta1n1ng tomato catsup is placed in the centre of a large champagne coupe containing flaked crab meat; well iced and accompanied by half of a green lime. MORO CRAB COCKTAIL No. 2 Juice of half a liifn;e, few drops of Tabasco sauce, teaspoonful vinegar; V2 teaspoonful tomato ketchup, few drops Worcestershire sauce, salt. Mix with crab meat and serve in small gla;~ surrounded by ice. Same formula can be used for oysters and clams. LOBSTERS They are so abundant in these southern waters that, notwithstanding

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