1931 Cuban Cookery by Blanche Z de Baralt


salt and pepper or have a goodly dash of Cayenne added, as taste prefers. Tamales are thus denominated ••con picante" or ..sin picante" (Biting or not biting). CORN PIE

15 ears of ripe corn l/,i lb. butter 4 egg yolks 1 teaspoonful salt 1 tablespoonful sugar.


1 large onion 6 tomatoes peeled & seeded 1 tablespoonful capers 1 chicken ·or 131 lb. fresh pork or 3 quails . 1 tablespoonful stoned olives 1 spoonful raisins 10 prunes (stewed & stoned) 2 hard boiled -eg'g's. 1°. The corn is grated from the cob and passed through a sieve as indicated for tamale, with very little water. Put this paste in a skillet with butter, salt & sugar, turning constantly on moderate fire until it thickens and

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