1931 Cuban Cookery by Blanche Z de Baralt


SALPICON. (Meat salad Camagiiey style).

The boiled .b.eef from the soup pot is generally used for this, but boiled or roast pork or veal can also be used. The meat should be cold-better cooked the day before -and cut into thin slices or small pieces, to which diced pineapple and quarters of oranges, freed from the thin membrane which covers each sec– tion, are added. Mix with a generous dressing of salt, pepper, vinegar, oil and a pinch of mustard. Trim with lettuce leaves or water cress.

PLATO FRIO. (Cold dish).

For a Summer dish in the tropics

or elsewhere.

Sliced cold meat and chicken, if desired, are placed in centre of a large platter. Around this place on lettuce leaves and arrange as individual taste dictates, slices of boiled potatoes, boiled chayotes, tomato, asparagus tips, alligator pear, olives and hard boiled eggs. Bathe with an abundant sauce vinai– g'rette: A little grated onion, chopped

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