1931 Cuban Cookery by Blanche Z de Baralt

89 parsley, Yz a teaspoonful of French mustard, 'a dash of Worcestershire sauce, salt, vinegar and oil well mixed. The dressing · may be served· in a saucebolt apart.


The fruit separated in its natural quarters, freed from membrane and pits, is arranged on lettuce leaves and covered with mayonnaise or French dressing.


An Andalucian dish-very good for

suppers on. a warm evening. 1 I

The base of this salad is a hard cracker like the common "hard tack,, used by sailors, but it can be substituted favorably by the hard biscuits often served with Roquefort cheese, or other salt cracke.r. Place half a dozen of these crackers, in small pieces, in a bowl~ cover them with water and vinegar (4 spoonfuls for a quart of water) allow to soak until quite soft, then place in a colander and drain. Make a sauce by crushing one

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