1931 Cuban Cookery by Blanche Z de Baralt


night in water, then drain and boil in fresh warer, until quite tender. Prepare syrup as for figĀ£ and let simmer until quite transparent. It takes several hours. LEMON PRESERVE Same as for orange. Large lemons are used. GRAPE FRUIT PRESERVE Same as orange. PINEAPPLE JELLY Grate two pineapples, and extract the juice, pressing through a tine sieve. Take half as many cups of sugar as you have of fruit juice. Boil until syrupy. Add three egg yollt.s ; stir in carefully to avoid curdling; cook without boiling a few minutes. Have a tablespoonful of granulated gelatine soaked in a cup of water. Disolve in the pineapple mixture and pour in wet mold. Set on ice. ORANGE JELLY. Same process. Half as many cups of sugar as of

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