1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett

AMSTERDAM One-third Vermuth (French or Italian) Dash Orange Bitters Two-thirds Nicholson's Gin Stir Lemon Peel, squeezed on top ARDSLEY Residents of a famous and wealthy community up the Hudson, by that name, furnished a good deal of patronage to the Bar.

Dash of Orange Bitters One-half Red Calisaya One-half Sloe Gin Frappe; strain


Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half jigger Sherry One-halfjigger I tali an Vermuth Stir; strain


After the big anhex to the old Waldorf, which at its opening, in I 897, became the main part of the establishment. Tw~ dashes Orange Bitters One-third Tom Gin Two-thirds French Vermuth Stir ( II8]

Made with