1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett

Old Waldorf Bar Days

BALLANTINE A brewer who was a Bar patron, gave this his name.

Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half jigger French Vermuth One-halfjigger Plymouth Gin One dash Absinthe Frappe Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half Sherry One-half French Vermuth Stir; strain


BEADLESTON* Two dashes Orange Bitters

One-half jigger French Vermuth One-half jigger Private Stock Whiskey Stir


One-half French Vermuth One-half Haig & Haig Scotch Whiskey Frappe


From the theatre of that name, in Broadway, a few blocks awa y, though certain connoisseurs were strong for the French term that was synonymous with jewel. They said it tasted like a jewel looked. The nativity of its two principal components lent authority to the drink, if not to their contention..

Two dashes Orange Bitters One-half French Vermuth One-half Grand Marnier Stir

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Made with