1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett
CHAMP.AGNE · One lump Sugar
Two dashes Angostura Bitters . One piece Lemon Peel, twisted in glass
CHANLER Several members of the well known Chanler family were among the patrons of the Bar. Solon thinks this was named after "Sheriff Bob" Chanler, the artist, whose matri– monial adventure with Mme. Lina Cavalieri, formerly of the Metropolitan Opera, was a sensational episode of the first decade of the century. "Bob" knew all the Waldorf bartenders by their first na.mes.
One small piece of Ice in mixing glass Sq~eeze one piece of Lemon Peel
One-third Italian Vermuth Two-thirds Old Tom Gin Frappe; pour in whiskey glass Dash ofOrange Bitters One-fourth Tom Gin One-fourth Whiskey One-fourth Italian Vermuth One-fourth Brandy St1r; strain - (claret glass) One pony yellow Chartreuse One pony Maraschino Yolk of one Egg · Shake well; strain One-third Dubonnet Two-thirds Nicholson's Gin Dash of Lime Juice Frappe [ 125]
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