1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett


One-third Gordon Gin One-third French Vermuth One-third Orange Juice Frappe



A tribute to Erin's Isle.

Dash of Orange Bitters One-half Italian Vermuth One-half Irish Whiskey Stir ,


I The Emerson Cocktail was not so called out of compli- ment to the Sage of Concord, who passed on ignorant that another of the name would one day arise to discover or in– vent a more potent remedy for the world's ills-or at least one of them-than a lifetime's philosophic utterances.Nay, it would not be mere guesswork to suggest that the profits of just one year's sales of Isaac L. Emerson's headache cure far exceeded the sum of the royalties received by Ralph Waldo Emerson during his lifetime, or his heirs afterward. And it was Isaac L. who was "commemorated," as it were, by the Emerson Cocktail. · Emerson was a Baltimore druggist. According to the story long ago current among old-timers who haunt the clubs in the Mt. Vernon Place district, the invention or dis– covery of the remedy, while one of a train of numerous, if sometimes expediential, experiments, was nevertheless accidental. The shop of Emerson, runs this saga, was one of a large number of small establishments where medicines were dis– pensed in the Monumental City. That was in a day when drug stores did not sell everything else but drugs. Like more than one other Baltimorean of the time, Emerson occasion– ally dropped into some corner establishment with swinging shutter-doors, and the meaning of the word "souse" was not beyond his grasp. [ 1 33]

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