1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett

Old Waldorf Bar Days

a salesman, is not established. Anyhow, Solon is authority for a statement that the cocktail called by that name did not enamel a digestive apparatus.

Juice one-fourth Orange One-fourth part French Vermuth One-fourth Whiskey Dash of Raspberry Syrup Frappe


Commemorating the sudden but widespread popularity of modern rhythmical measures.

Same as Bronx, with plenty of Orange Juice Dash of Baker's Bitters Two dashes Syrup One jigger Apple Whiskey Stir One-half Gin One-quarter Lemon Juice One-fourth Orange Juice A little Sugar




Not after the perfume, but after the American Jockey Club itself.

Dash of Orange Bitters One jigger Dry Gin Stir; strain


Dash of Orange Bitters One-third jigger Plytnou th Gin One-third French Vermuth One-third Italian Vermuth Stir; one slice Orange Peel on top

Made with