1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett

Old Waldorf Bar Days closing time. The second part of the great oak-wain– scoted hall had been converted into a bus station, and there one bought tickets for Montclair, the Oranges, and other points in New Jersey, or else for New Haven and other way stations to Boston.


Some of the decorations of the temple remained. For example, two great Egyptian-like bronze figures still stood one on either side of the private entrance to the Jade Room, which did not look like a door at all until you found the handle-not easy for one who had lingered over his liquor. Then there was still one picture, "The Ballet Dancer," which in that long-past age referred to probably inspired more toasts than any other single painting in the world; which turned more men in the direction of art-connoisseuring than any other example of high art known, and whose legs and lingerie caused far more comment and centered more scrutiny than all the cigarette pictures of stage favorites in tights that used to help sell "coffin nails," as they were termed, during the days when "The Ballet Dancer's" reign was being established. On the opposite wall hung the big copy of Paolo Veronese's "Wedding at Cana, in Galilee," for the delectation of those whom liquor puts or leaves in an attitude proper for the cop. templation of religious sub– jects. High above the paneling still hung some of the elks' heads with which the late George C. Boldt adorned the place, now, in the old hotegs last stages, looking moth-eaten, if not somewhat unsanitary. [16)

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