1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett


WOXUM Origin of name obscure. Solon thinks it is aboriginally American, and ascribes it to a "bunch of Indians"– so-called-who occasionally made whoopee-or, as it was said at that time, "raised hell"-in the Bar when they could get away with it.

One-half pony Yellow Chartreuse One-~alf jigger Apple Whiskey One-half jigger Italian Vermuth Stir


An institution somewhere beyond Old Greenwich, where many young men go for the purpose of commuting to New York for weekends. The Bar used to be one of their "ports of call" and there they used to find many who in years past had gone to the same place and done tile same things.

Dash ofOrange Bitters One-halfTom Gin One-half I talianVermu th Stir; strain; a little Seltzer on top

Dash ofOrange Bitters One-half French Vermuth One-half Scotch Whiskey Stir; strain


Two dashes Orange Bitters One-third Tom Gin Two-thirds Dubonnet Stir; strain [ 1 73]


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