1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett

Old Waldorf Bar Days


One-third Brandy One-third Plymouth Gin One-third French Vermuth One whole Lemon Peel Fill from siphon (pitcher) Two jiggers Water Four spoons Sugar Juice one-half Lemon One jigger Jamaica Rum One bottle Claret Fruit well




Juice one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One pony Raspberry Syrup

One and one-half jigger Rhine Wine Shake and strain; fill with Seltzer


Supposed to have been called that from knockout effects consequent upon indulgence. The blackjack was an instru– ment frequently carried by criminals in the pocket now sacred to hip-flasks. It usually consisted of a piece of lead covered with leathei "thongs, an extension of which went over the holder's wrist. Applied to the temple of the victim, it usually resulted in temporary or permanent coma. Fre– quently, those to whom its namesake was applied, or who applied themsel~es to it, recovered consciousness later on. (claret) Open pony Kirschwasser

One dash Brandy One pony Coffee Frappe [ 178]

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