1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett

Old Waldorf Bar Days

believed that an unlimited coinage of silver would solve the country's financial and other problems. William Jennings Bryan was a famous advocate of Free Silver, and ran on a "16 to l" platform, that is to say, one that demanded the coinage of silver at the ratio of I 6 to I of whatever gold was coined.

Juice one-fourth Lemon One-third spoon Sugar Two-thirds Tom Gin One-third Medford Rum One-half pony of Milk Shake; strain; fill from siphon

Raspberry Syrup Strawberry Syrup Pineapple Syrup Lemon Syrup Orange Syrup Currant Syrup Sliced Bananas


GARDEN OF EDEN Nothing doing. No sex problems for this commentator. .. (pony) One-half pony Creme Yvette One-half pony Apricot Brandy

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