1931 Old Waldorf Bar Days by Albert Stevens Crockett

Old Waldorf Bar Days


(star) Juice of one-halfLemon One-half spoon Sugar

One pony ofWater One jigger Whiskey Stir well; stuffed Olive in glass



Whole rind of Lemon Two or three lumps Ice Fill one-half with Sarsaparilla One-half with Imported Ginger Ale

(claret) Juice one-halfOrange Drink of Gin White of one Egg Dash of Creme de Cacao Frappe


SCHLEY PUNCH Named after Commodore Winfield Scott Schley, of Span– ish-American War fame. For many years, officers of the American Navy were divided in their claims as to who won the battle of Santiago-Admiral Schley, who did the work, or Admiral .~amson, who was in command, but some dis- tance away. (lemonade) Juice and rind of one-half Lime On~:..fourth spoon Sugar One-third jigger St. Croix Rum Two-thirds jigger Whiskey Shake; strain; fill with Seltzer [ 218]

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