1931 Shake'em Up a Practical Handbook of Polite Drinking (3rd printing)
_.._ ................................................................................... ORANGE BLOSSOM COCKTAIL One-half orange juice One-half gin and a dash of grenadine Fill the shaker half full of very fine ice, add the liquid and sh.ake until very cold. With this serve:. RIPE OLIVES The olives _must be prepared a day before using. Place large ripe olives in a bowl, cover with olive or vegetable oil, add four cloves of garlic, cover tightly and let stand over night in the ice box. Drain thoroughly, dump onto a towel, dry well, and serve in a bowel lined with crisp lettuce leaves. or P.ATE DE Porns GRAS CA.NAPES Spread rounds or triangles of toast witl,i pate, garnish with a curled anchovy and serve. or TOASTED CHEESE SANDWICH MeLt American cheese in a double boiler. Add Worcestershire Sauce, salt, cayenne, and finely chopped broiled bacon. Toast triangles of white bread on one side, spread the fresh side with the cheese, and toast until the cheese is a light brown. Serve hot. •·····--·--·····-·············· ... -····- ..................... - ................... , [ 21]
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