1931 Shake'em Up a Practical Handbook of Polite Drinking (3rd printing)
-- ...................... _________ .......... - .......... -- . ._......_ utes. Saute six fresh mushrooms in butter, then chop very fine. Mix with the livers, which have been mashed up, add a teaspoon of lemon juice, one of onion juice, salt and pepper. Spread on salted wafers and serve at once. If allowed to stand they will soak. or Pres IN BLANKETS Wrap stuffed olives each in half a slice of bacon. Spear with a toothpick (this serves to hold the bacon on and also as a handle) , place on a grill and broil, being careful to pour off the fat as it is rendered and to turn the pigs so that they will be crisp on all sides. Serve hot. Never serve these to male guests unless you are willing to make dozens. or CREAM CHEESE AND CIIlVE SANDWICHES Mix one cream cheese, .one-quarter of a cup of finely chopped chives, half a teaspoon of salt, and one tablespoon of heavy cream. Spread between very thin slices of white bread. Cut in fancy shapes and serve.
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