1931 Shake'em Up a Practical Handbook of Polite Drinking (3rd printing)
Before retiring in a Bad Way, always take a large dose of Fruit Salts or other effervescent laxative. If there is any tendency- toward nausea it should be assiduously cul~vated at . this time; it will be more painful in the morning. Experiences differ on aspirin taken before retiring. That is something everyone must learn for himself. Try to impress upon your subconscious that you must not go to sleep or to bed \1hile your head is whirling. The penalty is a marvelous hangover. Drink quantities of water and hot coffee and keep moving; take violent exercise if you can. An extremely hot bath is also rec– ommended, though it induces drowsiness. Another successful antidote for imprudent absorption is a series of long and very deep breaths. Fill your lungs completely, but rather ................................. ·---·····--·--····· .. ······· ....................... [ 69]
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