1932 One Hundred Ways by Stafford Brothers

Bird of Paradise

1 teaspoonful o£ sugar Vi lemon juice Vi gin 1 egg (white only) 3 dashes of raspberry syrup Shake thoroughly with ice, strain and fill remaining part with charged water. Serve in glass No. 4.

Bronx Cocktail (dry)

% French vermouth % gin Vz jigger of orange juice Shake thoroughly with ice, strain and serve in glass No. 1.

Bull Dog Highball

Vz jigger of orange juice Vz wineglass gin Vz pint of ginger ale Ice and serve in glass No.4.

Cafe au Genievre

1 teaspoonful gin 1 demi-tasse of black coffee (hot) Sweeten to taste. Serve in demi-tasse.

Cafe de Paris Cocktail

1 teaspoonful of fresh milk 3 dashes of anisette 1 ®gg (white only) Vz wineglass gin Shake thoroughly with ice, strain and serve in glass No. 6.

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