1932 One Hundred Ways by Stafford Brothers

Royal Fizz


1 teaspoonful of sugar '/i lemon juice % gin 1 egg Shake thoroughly with ice, strain, fill with charged water and serve in glass No. 4.

Ruby Fizz

1 teaspoonful of sugar Vl lemon juice Vi grenadine '/2 wine glass gin Stir thoroughly. Fill glass with finely chopped ice and remain ing part with charged water. Serve in glass No.4.



1 teaspoonful of sugar 1 egg (white only)

Yz wine glass of Curaqao Yz wine glass of fresh milk Yz wine glass gin

> I Shake thoroughly with ice, strain and sprinkle with nutmeg. Serve in glass No.2.

Sangaree Cocktail

Yz teaspoonful of sugar Yz wine glass gin 3 dashes of Port wine Shake thoroughly with ice, strain, sprinkle with nutmeg and serve in glass No. 1.

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