1932 One Hundred Ways by Stafford Brothers

Snow Ball

1 tablespoonful of vanilla ice cream 1/2 wine gloss gin yx pint of ginger ale Shake thoroughly with ice, strain and fill with ginger ale. Serve in glass No.4.

Snow Bird

1 teaspoonful of sugar lemon juice 14 fresh cream "/t g«n Shake thoroughly with ice, strain and serve in glass No. 6.

Soyer's Gin Punch

(for four persons)

2 lemons (juice) wine glass of maraschino '/2 pint gin 1 lemon (peel only) 1 quart of charged water Ice, serve in punch bowl with glass No. 7.


1 teaspoonful of sugar Vi lemon juice orange juice % gin Shake thoroughly with ice, strain and serve in glass No. 1.

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