1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller

32. Raspberry Punch .0 gill of raspberry juice, or vinegar. ~ lb. lump-sugar. 3,0 pints of boilin~ water.

Infuse ha!£ an hour, strain, add ,0 pint of porter, ~ to 1 pint, each, of rum and brandy (or either 1,0 to 2 pints), and add more warm water and sugar, if desired weaker or sweeter. A liqueui; glass of Curacoa, noyau, or maras– chino, improves it.

33. National Guard 7th Regiment Punch

(Use la rge bar glass)

tablespoonful of sugar. The juice of a 34 of a lemon. 1 wine-glass of brandy. 1 do. do. Pop-Pi-Ya wine. Flavor with raspberry syrup.

Fill the glass with shaved ice. Shake and mix thor– oughly, theh ornament with slices of orange, pineappl~, and berries in season, and dash with Jamaica rum. This delicious beverage should be imbibed through a straw.

34. St. Charles' Punch

(Use large beer glass)

1 tablespoonful of sugar. 1 wine-glass of port wine. 1 pony-glass of brandy. The juice of a 34 of a lemon. Fill the tumbler with shaved ice shake well, and orna– ment with fruits in season, and se:.Ve with a straw. 13

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