1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller

2. Brandy Punch (Use la rge ba r g lass )

1 tablespoonful raspben:y syrup. 2 do. white sugar. 1 wine-glass water. 10 do. brandy. 0 small-sized lemon. 2 slices of orange. 1 piece of pineapple. Fill the tumbler w ith shaved ice, shake weU, and d ress the top with berries in season; sip through a straw .

3. Brandy Punch ( For a pa rty of twenty)®

I gallon of wa ter. 3 quarts of brandy. Yi pint of J amaica rum. 2 lbs. of sugar. Ju ice of 6 lemons. 3 oranges sliced. I pineapple, pared, and cut up. 1 gill of Curacoa. 2 gills of raspberry syrup. Ice, and add berri es in season. M ix· the materials well together m a large bowl, and you have a splendid punch.

4. Mississippi Punch (Use large b eer g la s s)

1 w ine-glass of brandy. % do.

J amaica rum.

0 0

do. do.

Bourbon whiskey.



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