1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller

other metal bow l, to become quite hot, and then put into it 0 pint of good brandy. 1 do. rum. ,% lb. of lump sugar. The j uice of a large lemon. Set these a-light, and pour in the tea gradually, mixing it f rom time to time with a ladle; it will remain burning for some time, and is to be poured in that sta!te int o the glasses ; in order to increase the fl avor, a few lumps of sugar should be rubbed over the lemon peel. 'Fhis punch may be made in a china bowl, but in that case the fl ames go off more rapidly. 69. West Indian Punch This punch is made the same as brandy punch, but to each glass add a clove or n:vo of preserved ginge r, and a little of the syrup. 70. Barbadoes Punch To each glass of brandy punch, add a tablespoonful of guava jelly. 71. Yorkshire Punch Rub off the rind of three lemons on pieces of sugar, put the suga r in a jug, and add to it the thin rind of one lemon and an orange, and the juice of four oranges and of ten lemons, with six glasses of dissolved calf's-foot jelly. Pour two quarts of water over the whole, mixing the materials well , then ~over the jug, and keep i~ on a warm hearth for twenty mmutes. Then strain the mixture, and add a pint of clarified syrup, half a pint each of rum and brandy, and a bottle of good orange or lemon shrub. 25

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