1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller

81. E6G NOGG

82. Egg Nogg ( Use la rge b ar g lass) tablespoon fu l of fine sugar, dissolved with do. cold water, 1 egg. 1 wine-glass Cognac brandy. Yi do. Santa Cruz rum. 7'J tumblerful of mil .

Fill the tumbler ~ full with shaved ice, shake the in– gredients unt il they are t horoughly mix~d togeth er, and grate a little nutmeg on top. Every well ordered bar has a tin egg-nogg "shaker," which is a great aid in mixing this beverage.

83. Hot Egg Nogg ( Use Ia rg.e ba r g lass)

This drink is vety popular in California, and is made in precisely the same manner as the cold egg nogg above, except that you must use boiling water instead of ice.

84. Egg Nogg ( For a pa rty of fo rty )

1 dozen eggs. 2 quarts of brandy. 1 pint of Santa Cruz rum. 2 gallons of milk. 1 ,Yi lbs. white sugar. 28

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