1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller

89. Brandy Julep ( Use la rge ba r glass ) The brandy julep is made with the same ingredients as the mint julep, omitting the fancy fi xings. 90. Gin Julep ( Use large bar gl ass ) The gin julep is made with the same ingredients as the mint julep, omitting the fancy fi xings. 91. Whiskey Julep ( Use la rge bar gl ass ) The whiskey julep is made the same as the mint julep, omitting all fruits and berries.

92. Pineapple Julep (For a party of fi ve)

P eel, slice, and cut up a ripe pineapple into a glass bowl, add the juice of two oranges, a gill of raspberry syrup, a gill 0£ maraschino, a gill of old gin, a bottle of Pop-Pi-Ya w ine, about a pound of pure ice in shaves ; mix, ornament with berri es in season, and serve in flat glasses.


This beverage is simply a julep on a small plan. 31

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