1933 American Bar Guide by R C Miller


. 1 132. Apple Toddy (Use small bar glass) tablespoonful of fine white sugar. 1 wine-glass of cider brandy. .% of a baked apple. F ill the glass two-thirds full of boiling water, and g rate a little nutmeg on top.

133. Brandy Toddy ( Use small ba r glass )

I teaspoonful 0£ sugar. Yi wine-glass of water. 1 do. brandy. 1 small lump of ice. Stir with a spoon. For hot brandy toddy omit the ice, and use boiling water.

134. Whiskey Toddy ( Use small bar glass )

teaspoonful of sugar. Yi wine-glass of water. I do. whiskey. 1 small 1ump of ice. Stir with a spoon.

135. Gin Toddy ( Use small bar glass )

1 teaspoonful of sugar. Yi wine-glass of water. 1 do. gin. 1 small lump of ice. Stir with a spoon.


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