1933 Fine Beverages and Recipes fo Mixed Drinks by J & C Sasena

(foreword HIS edition of"Fine Beverages" isfondly pj-esented as a guide and inspiration to those who mix, serve, and enjoy good drinks. Itis unfortunate,the Editorsfeel,thatthe" ArtofDrink ing" in this coutjtry has received such little serious con sideration,resulting in abuse and excess. It has been their experience thatfine beverages, properly prepared and im bibed in moderate quantities, serve an important part in enriching social and gastronomicalpleasures. They dedi cate their efforts to making life brighter, happier,and more The Cocktail is.an American creation. Surely, then, Americans should know how to mix them, and adequate space has been allowedfor their consideration. Thefollowing recipes have been collected and tested by specialists, during many years of experience at the Cleve- ^ land Athletic Club. They will befound very handy for reference in club, hotel, or home ... in fact, wherever kindred spirits get together. worth while.

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