1933 Here's How by George A Lurie



COPENHAGEN Tom & Jerry Batter.2 sp. Jamaica Rum ....1 jigger Lemon Soda to fill

Stir batter with a little soda and cube of ice in Tom and Jerry mug tmtil smooth. Add rum, soda to fill and serve.



1 jigger Curacoa

1 pony

Milk 2V2 jiggers Sugar Syrup ....2 spoons Cinnamon to taste Shake vigorously with ice, strain into tall highball glass, dust cinnamon over and serve. CUCUMBER Creme de Menthe..1 pony Cream 1 pony Carefully float cream over creme de menthe in cocktail glass and serve. DELIGHT Cognac 1 pony Fr. Ratafia 1 pony Pour into chilled cocktail glass and serve with ice water chaser. DOG'S NOSE Porter 2 jiggers Gin 1 jigger Add gin to porter in highball glass with cracked ice and serve. EGG NOG Brandy 1 jigger Rum 1 pony Milk ....2 jiggers Egg aU of one Sugar Syrup 2 spoons Nutmeg to taste Shake vigorously with ice, strain into tall highball glass, grate nutmeg over and serve. (Variations: 1, substitute whisky for brandy; 2, reverse quantities of brandy and rum.) EGG NOG, No. 2 Rum IVz jiggers Vanilla 6 drops Milk 2 jiggers Egg all of one Sugar Syrup ....2 spoons Nutmeg to taste Shake vigorously with ice, strain into tall highball glass, grate nutmeg over and serve.

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